Rope Access Training Courses

  • $1,950.00
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Rope access work is physically demanding and Technicians require a high level of competency to ensure safe and efficient use.

Rope access training courses are physically intensive and mentally challenging with an emphasis on the practical skills that will be required on site. Candidates on the course will be required to ascend and descend the ropes multiple times a day using associated equipment to progress through manoeuvres, learn safe rigging practices and perform rescue techniques using rescue dummies and live casualties. The course has an element of theoretical classroom work however, most of the training and assessment is focused on practical and physical elements.

A reasonable level of fitness is required to attend the course. Males and females of all shapes and sizes have successfully passed the course and are active in the industry with successful careers, however it is essential to understand that rope access is very physically demanding and is not for everyone.  

Feedback on IRATA rope access courses is excellent with many candidates saying it’s the best course they have done.

If this is the industry you are seeking to pursue we are looking forward to training you in the most dynamic and exciting job on earth.